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Installing SenpaiScript or AutoWoot on Chrome for Android or iPhone
Step 1:
Go to a room in the Chrome app, and request the desktop version of the site.
Step 2:
Bookmark this page.
Step 3:
Go to your bookmarks.
Step 4:
Edit the new bookmark.
Step 5:
Change the bookmark name to "SenapiScript" and copy all of the following into the URL:
javascript:(function(){$.getScript ('');}());
Step 6:
Go back to the same tab of the room you opened.
In the address bar of that tab, search for "SenpaiScript".
Click the bookmark result that you just created.
Step 7:
See that it loaded.
Step 8:
Enable notifications. (Android Only)
Step 9:
If you are an user, then learn about all the unique SenpaiScript features here.
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